This device is in production, however, it has been deemed Pre-End of Life. The product is approaching end of life. Within a minimum of 6 months, the device will enter its final, Last Time Buy, order phase. Date of status change: December 5, 2018
Recommended Substitutions: Contact Allegro Sales.
The A8500 is a multi-output WLED driver for medium display backlighting. The A8500 integrates a boost converter and eight current-sinks to provide a flexible WLED/RGB backlight driver. The boost converter can provide output voltage up to 47 V. The flexible channel selection control and high voltage capability allow a wide range of LED backlight applications. The A8500 can support any application requiring 4 to 96 WLEDs. The boost converter is a constant frequency current-mode converter.
Each LED channel can sink 25 mA, and channels can be paralleled for higher currents. Flexible dimming allows output channels to either run at an adjustable DC value or with externally controlled PWM duty cycles.
The A8500 is available in a 26 pin, 4 mm × 4 mm QFN/MLP package that is only 0.75 mm nominal in height.