The ARG81401 is a power management IC that uses a buck
or buck-boost pre-regulator to efficiently convert automotive
battery voltages into a tightly regulated intermediate voltage,
complete with control, diagnostics, and protections. The output
of the pre-regulator supplies a 5V, 300mALDO and a 3.3V,
200 mALDO. Designed to supply CAN or microprocessor
power supplies in high-temperature environments, the
ARG81401 is ideal for underhood applications.
Enable-input to the ARG81401 is compatible to a high-voltage
battery level (ENBAT).
Diagnostic outputs from the ARG81401 include a power-on-reset output (NPOR) with a fixed 22.5 ms typical delay.
Dual bandgaps, one for regulation and one for fault checking,
improve long-term reliability of a system designed around
the ARG81401.
The ARG81401 contains a window watchdog timer that can
be programmed to accept a wide range of clock frequencies
(WDADJ). The watchdog timer has a fixed 30 ms activation
delay to accommodate processor startup. The watchdog timer
has an enable/disable pin (active low, WDENn) to facilitate
initial factory programming or field reflash programming.
Protection features include dual control loop for pre-regulator rail.
In case of a shorted output, all linear regulators feature foldback
overcurrent protection. The switching regulator includes pulse-by-pulse current limit, hiccup mode short-circuit protection, LX
short-circuit protection, missing asynchronous diode protection,
and thermal shutdown.
The ARG81401 is supplied in a low-profile (1.2 mm maximum
height), 20-lead eTSSOP package (suffix “LP”) with exposed
thermal pad.