适用于变速箱应用的先进速度传感器 IC


汽车领域的这种转变促使人们开发旨在提高燃油效率的变速箱技术。Allegro 是开发用于变速箱应用的先进速度传感器 IC 的先驱,我们创新的反馈偏压 GMR 技术有助于满足现今的省油标准。


Allegro 提供市面上最全面的变速箱产品组合。凭借领先的霍尔和 GMR 技术,Allegro 的产品系列包括各种输出接口和协议、带有磁铁和保护元件选件的 SIP 封装以及可选的 ASIL 报告。我们的变速箱速度传感器基于我们数十年的系统级专业知识打造而成,可提供行业领先的抗振性和动态气隙功能。 另外,我们的高级动态算法可补偿系统级干扰,在有系统异常的情况下,可保证稳定输出。  

我们的最新产品是一款反馈偏压 GMR 齿轮齿传感器 IC,可提供更大的气隙性能,不必牺牲我们传感器在变速箱应用中闻名的行业领先的性能。而且,出于安全考虑,我们所有最新的变速箱速度传感器 IC 均按照 ISO 26262 设计,在市面上我们是首家。

Features include:

  • Front and back-biased solutions for magnetic encoder or ferrous target sensing
  • Two-and three-wire output protocols supporting speed, direction, and ASIL error reporting (optional)
  • Integrated solutions include IC, magnet (optional), and EMC protection component(s) in a single overmolded miniature package
  • Differential sensing offers inherent common-mode stray field immunity 

  • Low jitter for high edge accuracy
  • Flexible orientation GMR technology for xMR or Hall replacement and application installation flexibility
  • EEPROM enables factory traceability throughout the production process

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SN package image


Large Air Gap, GMR Speed Sensor IC for Gear Tooth Sensing



The ATS19520 is an advanced Hall-effect transmissions sensor that uses an integrated back-bias magnet to measure the speed and direction of rotating ferrous targets.



The A19520 is an advanced vibration-tolerant Hall-effect integrated circuit (IC) that measures the speed and direction of rotating targets, ideal for transmission applications.


变速箱传感器 IC 选择指南

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Allegro Product Selection Guide (PDF)

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