Discover the next generation of magnetic sensing
GAN 和 SiC 等宽带隙晶体管需要高带宽的电流传感器,XtremeSense TMR 在不牺牲精度和分辨率的情况下实现了这一点。
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GAN 和 SiC 等宽带隙晶体管需要高带宽的电流传感器,XtremeSense TMR 在不牺牲精度和分辨率的情况下实现了这一点。
Superior magnetic sensitivity, low power consumption, and compact size compared to other technologies, driving innovation in applications like renewable energy, electric vehicles, and consumer electronics.
Document Type | Document Name |
Application Note | What is XtremeSense TMR |
Application Note | Calibrating CT455 and CT456 in LabVIEW |
Brochure | DC 快速充电:速度更快、行程更远 |
Brochure | 感测技术的未来: XtremeSense™ TMR 技术 |
Guide | CTD455-BB-06B5 Evaluation Board User Guide |
Document Type | Document Name |
Third Party Tool | Suncall Magnetic Sensor Module featuring the CT455 |
Third Party Tool | Mikroe Current 10 Clickboard |