
最適化されたモーター制御を可能にし、業界をリードするジッター パフォーマンスを実現する磁気ラッチ。モーターとエンコーダの機械的設計を革新する垂直ホール技術。最も苛酷な車載時過渡電圧下で動作を継続する能力。連続時間スイッチおよびラッチの業界内で最も広範なポートフォリオ。

こうした特徴は、Allegro をデジタル ポジション センサーの明確なリーダーに押し上げている理由の一部に過ぎません。

安全性をお求めですか?現在、当社のすべてのスイッチとラッチは、ISO 26262 標準に準拠して開発されています。

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Car driving on the highway

Hall-Effect Latches and Bipolar Switches

Our high-performance magnetic latches offer you industry-leading jitter performance, EMC/ESD robustness, and magnetic precision—all at competitive price points.


Dual Hall-Effect Latches

Vertical Hall Technology by Allegro (VHT) sensing solutions revolutionize motors and encoders, delivering quadrature signals independent of magnet pitch or air gap.


electric parking brake

Two-Wire Hall-Effect Switches

OEMs and tier one providers choose from our broad portfolio of Hall-effect switches for applications like seat belt buckles, seat track, shift selectors, door ajar, and so much more.


Three-Wire Hall-Effect Switches

Perfect for sensing absolute position or proximity in harsh automotive environments, our three-wire switches are ideal for applications like shift selectors, door ajar, user interfaces and vane-interrupt systems.


Red two-wheeler moped scooter

Nanopower TMR & Micropower Hall Switches

Extend the life of your battery-powered devices with these integrated Hall-effect sensor ICs. These switches offer low power consumption and are ideal for use in on/off switching applications and for detection of tampering in utility meters.


Close up of automotive gear shifter transmission

Special-Purpose Devices

Don't see the right solution? Take a look at products we've developed for very specific applications. We offer deep and broad applications expertise to help you find—or create—a device that fits your needs.


Featured Products

APS12202 and APS12212

Hall-effect latches are suited for operation over extended temperature ranges (up to 150°C).



Hall-Effect Switch for Automotive, Consumer, and Industrial Applications


APS12753 - Low voltage micropower latch for automotive and industrial applications - MD package


Micropower Switches for Battery-Powered and Eco-Conscious Applications


APS12753 - Low voltage micropower latch for automotive and industrial applications - MD package


Micropower Latches for Battery-Powered and Eco-Conscious Applications


Additional Resources